Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What's wrong with me?

29/12/2010  11.20 PM

      ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's wrong with me? My temper getting worser and worser..My emotion getting more mixed up.. I don't want this. Yet there is a person who's playing with my patience in the link I shared in Facebook. I wonder why. I HATE him since when form 4 or form 5. He was irritating. Yes, he's smart. I do admit. But he keeps annoy me in my fb wall. I couldn't take it anymore..REALLY COULDN'T! Yeah it's fun when you saw you successfully made someone FUCKING pissed off and the person couldn't do anything to you. But why you just can't respect me? Why you can't at least understand my feeling? I'm not your TOY.. I have my emotions too.

      I've already kept silence for most of the time when we fought, literally. But when I think and think and think.. Is this really my fault? There's one case where, I said something I shouldn't to him, Ok thats fine. It's my fault for saying that, but at that time, you asked me to FUCKING repeat that word i said. And the end results is, you somehow GOT pissed off too cause I respected you as friend and i just repeat it, perhaps you can't hear it. Now at that time you said something like 'parent's didn't taught their sons well'...WELL don't tell me your's don't? Is this good to making fun of other parent's name? You good at debate, studies too. But you have weakness too.. I'm literally poor at debate and studies. At least i'm physically healthier than you since you sucks at sports. So what? Do you need to STEP on me every time you have chance? I know I came from the FUCKING last class, is that  the attitude you show to the 'poor little less educated guy'? Is that what you guys DISLIKE the students from last class? I know I STUPID. But PLEASE don't ACT innocent as you've done nothing wrong.. IT'S DAMN IRRITATING!!

      In the recent fb post, I did tell you stop asking me as I really no idea of, but you just wouldn't hear, and keep on asking. Now I've reached the EDGE of my patience.. I'm DAMN PISSED!!!!! So what?? What can I do? NOBODY will really understand nor RESPECT my feeling. It's not that I cannot joke with, but you WENT WAY TOO OVERBOARD every time. All those word you thrown at me is like you said something good. Something that is SOOO innocent. I'm a human too, I have my fragile feelings. You really made me very very very pissed off. And I just can't do anything. Hopeless. Yeah my tears flow as I wrote this post. Cause this time I am REALLY PISSED off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a big laugh then. I HATE YOU! What can I do>? Just being continue toyed by you. Nothing else. I'm no good at words. But those knowledge isn't used to toy or mess or whatever it is to those who have lesser advantages. I HAD ENOUGH! I really hope there would be someone to help me, assists me, back me up....I couldn't take this anymore.. Really couldn't...I had enough...Nobody will be there for me anyways.. Tears~


xue-won said...

don cry la.. he like to fool u sarcasm u so just let him no need care about it sooner or later he will feel boring and wont annoying u anymore.. he is a maniac perhaps.. a crazy mad stupid idiot psychotic maniac!! =) so no need hear or focus on wat he had told or said to u.. coz it will just made u furious angry and sad.. so unhealthy to u leh~ rugi right? haha =P do as wat u have told me don worry and be happy ok? na! dont cry le la.. don so baby la..
stupid cry-er~ hehe =P