Friday, December 31, 2010

Last day of 2010.

11.10 PM        31/12/2010

       Aloha guys!! Today is the last day of year 2010! How fast the time passes through ya. Not even realized it, I've already gone through stressful year and sat SPM examination. WoW. Fast. So today I went outing with SB. Sorry eh, that I didn't invite you along again. =X. Many things happened today, and a bad omen already shown to me in this early morning where I went to pick SB up. Which is, a little girl suddenly cried when she and her two elder bro(in my perception) either jog or run halfway through. I have no idea why, but the girl just cried. NO idea. Well, maybe that's just so coincidence. Ignoring that, we just continue go to the place we intend to go. Once we reach there, first thing is we went to find cinema..LoL, I too long didn't go there le, bit forgotten where is the cinema, but I still remember the images of the cinema's surroundings.. Lucky me perhaps? xD.  But in the end I still have no choice but to look onto the map they provided. And then we found em. And get our tickets..lols

       After collection tickets, we walk aimlessly finding restaurant to eat.. LoL! Stupid dao. Want eat what also don't know meh? LOL.. XD.. So I just simply pick the restaurant name and we just go there to have our meals. =D..The environment in the restaurant is bit cold, but that's okay. Except one thing, that is both of us ordered Ice Blended drink. LOL!! You should know what happens next. Which is, the drink made our body feels very cold especially me, I shiver the most and very obvious..Hahaha...In the middle of meal, we heard baby cried again..What a bad omen to me..Hmmph!! After meal, time's up for movie! Which is Death Bell 2(18). A psychotic movie I would say, not a horror movie though.. At first I was worried that I unable to pass through the tickets collector when we going in. But we just passed through em like we're already adults..haha We just 17 years old! XD Lucky us.. In the end of the movie, they showed us some 'behind the scene' in that movie. Which is REALLY hilarious lol. The actor just simply apply the 'CPR' on the girl he wants to save, in a quick way that looks very funny..hahaha..

       After finished the movie, we kind of unsatisfied that we didn't really get a real shock from the 'horror' movie. So we go for second movie, which is 'My Ex : Haunted Lover(18)'. In the first movie we didn't really cuddled but just little bit of leaning to each other. In the second movie we started to cuddled together and the seat we've took is quite near to the screen till the sound released by the speaker is quite loud lol.. Swt thing was, in most scene the movie didn't actually frightened me(sure will a little, but not that much), but in most 'crucial'(where the movie will scare you off) scene, SB just shocked, shocked and shocked, which made me actually 'shocked' too..=.=ll..LOL..Geng la u, can shock me..hahaha...That movie is not bad compared to the first movie we went...So fast it's evening already. So we took our dinner at there too, then we started to head back. We walked slowly, slowly cause don't really wanted to go back that early. Cause today is our last day outing in year 2010. And this Sunday I need to go for NS already. We just VERY 'bu she de' each other's company. VERY.>.

            So we sat at the monorail station for quite long, intended to miss quite a number of monorail there. We just want to stay to each other's side longer. But somebody had to break the ice and declare to continue our journey to home. And so SB did. Cause it's quite late already back then, I'm so sorry that I didn't actually cared your consequences of being home late. So sorry for that. So after we got down from monorail and got up in a public bus that heading home, in the middle journey of going back home where we're still in a public bus, I found coins twice LOL which is 5cents and 20 cents..LOL YENG siaa..xD I'm Lucky! =D. Then we reached SB's nearby house, and we got down from the bus. I walk with SB slowly and slowly, took a very long bridge and we hugged there. And so we continue our journey to SB's house. Slowly walk and walk and walk. I don't know you did or not, but I've tried my best to hold on my tear from flowing back then. Just don't want to see your sad face too. >..<.. And so SB went home and I too start my own journey to my own house. On the way to the bus stop, my eye suddenly keep on producing watery tears.. Heartache.. Then before I reached bus stop, I tried my best to stop my tear for a while. But sometimes just flow back and luckily i managed to stop em again. And then I reached my house sound and safe..XD Thats all! RAWR!! Welcome 2011!!! =D