Monday, November 1, 2010

~Cupid is Blind~ & ~Mistakes~

1st November, 2010
5.04 P.M.
Aloha everyone! Here I come! Blog again! xD, but this time doesn’t really looks well though. LoL. Let’s get started then! => .

          Hmm, today I heard from my friend that a guy started to chat with her, thru her facebook wall. Well, once I heard this guess what? I’m again trying to fake out that ‘why the hell I should care?’ but at the end, I couldn’t stop myself asking about the details such as how long he’s been chatting thru her wall. Then I got disappointed of course and also glad at the same time. Why?? I’m glad because she finally able to find another guy who’s way more better than me whom robbed her ‘security’. And then the whole day I couldn’t stop thinking of her. That’s a very sad case.

        Today I even thought of doing something really stupid, and yet I’m going to do it sooner or later. Even though I would say that is simply impossible. Maybe I was just pushing my luck over the edge, I guess. . Well as the topic stated, “cupid is blind” and I do agree to my friend, Aaron said that “Something once broken will never be the same as it used to be no matter how we mend it” Umm, this is so coincidence even though not official yet, that is one of my newly made friends actually at the same church activities with her and obviously other gang, which means, they might be in the same church and even knew each other for a long time. LoL

          And another cases happened in my school, which is my classmates done something that’s very wrong as long as he’s in the school(I mean still studying in the school). It is correct that you unleash all your feelings instead of keeping it shut, and I agree you won’t able to stop yourself from doing anything(E.G scolding) when the anger strikes you. But I don’t really think there’s a point where he unleashes his feelings towards his teacher through a public social network’s website.
          Let’s us put into the shoe of the victim, the teacher. If you’ve already been refraining yourself from doing anything harsh to that person even though that person is wrong for a very long time, and in the results you only get all the harsh scolding from that person regardless of what you’ve done to him, is that what you wanted to get(even though you don’t want anything from him)? My friend is really intelligent, I admit this but this intelligence made him became very arrogance. He even said a very rude things directly towards teacher recently (just stating her name, did not tag it)
          Well, let’s think this rationally, without any offence. If you didn’t turn up your assignment since the beginning of the year, and coincidently the teacher said the results of this examination’s total will be over 90% instead of 100%, where the 10% is from your assignment which most assignment are already been discussed and completed thru discussions. Well, and this student still wants to get his 10% back no matter what(at beginning). In the results, it’s obvious that he would lose the war since he did not even reconsider of doing the teacher’s assignment since the beginning. Yes, I agree that those who got their 10% mark mostly would say that “yeah, we deserved to get it.” And I should not butt in to the case he’s in right now. Including me. But that is not the problem, even the friend of mine who really doesn’t get any bonus mark(assignment mark) from teacher and yet he said the right thing. If you did not pass up your assignment in middle school, how would you wanted to get the bonus mark that’s supposed to given to the “hardworking” student. I’m not on any side but this situation is similar to “teacher, I didn’t do any of your assignment. Give me the full bonus mark”. Well, this sounds funny but it’s the truth. Well, people said that teacher is gone overboard, but why don’t you think of it that you too went overboard? If homework is not important, why does the teachers still giving you lots and lots of assignment to do to waste your time? Why don’t they find a way more better way to help the student? Yes sometimes it’s bias and sometimes it is not.  At this point it’s very clear that I’m against him, but those who are with him is also wrong. Well, let’s try to imagine that we’re in the same case as he did. Here I begin. I didn’t even completed one of her work since she teaches me. Now at the end of the year(form 5)’s trial examination results,my teacher suddenly deduct my 10 marks(which is crucial) just because I didn’t finish my homework. Well, at this point I also will think that the teacher is WENT WAY TOO OVERBOARD just to teach me and the other classmates a lesson of not being passing up homework, without any “warnings”. This case happens when you supposed to get A+ but with deducted marks became only A or when you supposed to get A and you got A- and so on. I do agree that teacher is a cruel to her students but all the responsibilities shouldn’t be blamed on teacher when the students didn’t give a damn for the assignments she gave. Well, this might be karma or teacher wants it “an eye for an eye”