Thursday, September 16, 2010


12.11AM  17th September 2010
Wow, time been passing quite fast huh? Anyway, aloha~!! Hehehe..realizing, it’s already 5 month passed since I broke up with my ex. LoL . That doesn’t sound pretty right? =>. Who will ever remember the date that they’ve broken up? Hahaha, well frankly speaking I don’t, but I do save the essential dates in my phone, =x somewhere. Ahaha, that’s why I said that my phone’s full of secrets, just that you don’t realize. Hehe, please don’t try to find out, It’s ugly. ^^. I’ve been thinking over time.. Recently I keep avoiding myself to be in contact with her, not recently, but right after the broke up. And recently  , (^^) I thought of something that enlightens me up. Really enlightens me up. Which is, “if I couldn’t accept myself, how could I accept the others?”. I asked myself that, and I guess it’s the time to “start this all over again”(derived from the “untitled – simple plan”. I’m hearing that song right now. xD). =>
Well, let’s say up to dates thingy, ^^ if you wish to read more. Hehe. On 15th September 2010 night, I went to my newly made friend’s birthday party, and the person we’re celebrating with is a girl. I guess it’s an advance birthday party, I’m not certain of that though. Well, obviously you guys will thought of something different, which is I might lay my interests on her, but please don’t do that ya. Because she already had a boyfriend and I wouldn’t ruin their life. I definitely wouldn’t, no matter how beautiful she are. =x (it’s not an offence ya). Well, before I start, I would like to thank his boyfriend whom took all the troubles just to fetch me home, safe and sound. Well surprisingly, he also stay nearby my area. Ahaha, that’s why I said, I won’t lay my interest on his girlfriend. Ahahaha I’m just joking. xD. Well, I do envy that the kind of relationships they had, and I secretly prayed for their eternal bond and happiness during on my way home after party. =x. shh!! Ahaha. Well guess what? Her boyfriend gave her a phone( SE w990 if not mistaken) as a present !! OMG!! It’s so nice. ^^
Hmm, I guess I’ve nothing to say eh, since this time is not really sad post. Ehehe, since I thought my blog would be the post of my dissatisfaction or sadness or something related to it. Well, I guess you’ll find it little for a quite light mood posts I had. Then see ya next time. Oyasumi ! =x
12.29 AM 17th September 2010