Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Feeling a little bit disappointing.

07/07/2010 – Wednesday. 9.05 P.M.
Aloha guys~!! Hehe, I’m back! ^^..Well, what’s wrong with the title? Hehe, well actually, yesterday morning I just got to know that today’s public duty (for St. John Ambulance) has been canceled due to unknown/unclear reason. Well, that was disappointing cause just because for today’s public duty, I wasted quite a money just for transport to Carefour to get the freaking “name tag” which is needed for that kind of duty..Well, that dealer is also a problem..From my perspective, he don’t give a damn about my order until I said, “it’s urgent”..Then he started to call the guy whom is making the name tag of mine and saying that the next day(yesterday) the tag will arrive. Man it’s disappointing & I saw through his sarcasm when he tried to convince me that he’d called the guy last time, but not yet done. Well, now I’ve got my name tag and I should be grateful too.
Hmm, today at my school rained cats and dogs until my class’s electricity got cut off because of the frequent growling lightning from the sky..LOLs..It’s was frightening because for the first strike, I saw my friend jumped and I jumped too(because he made me jumped..haha)…Not long after that, my mood started to change.. I certainly dislike this mood and I tried to be as cheerful as possible and ignore that cruel mood. Well, it just won’t wear off because maybe the lightning made me remembered some bitter past, I guess. Well, one more thing.. =). I’m really happy that I helped my friend (by wishing) that (his/her)’s (GF/BF) will treat (him/her) as usual since there is some conflicts between them and right after my wish thru the MSN, (his/her)’s (GF/BF) somehow like immediately treat (him/her) as usual. ^^. Well, it’s magical for me or perhaps that my wish is really sincere. T_T.
Now I’ve done the 2nd wallpaper editing and I’m quite satisfied with the current level I’m in right now. Thanks to my friend, who supplied me extra things for the photo editing, without him, my wallpaper would be suck as usual. XD. Well, I’ve nothing to say right now already. Hehe . Good Luck everyone on pursuing their goals! Gambateh ! Hwaiting ! Jia you !  =)