Friday, March 19, 2010

Still don't want sleep, wanted to blog. XD

20th march 2010 , 1.25 A.M

            Alohha~~!! hehehe, today i think i'll say bout the previous outing, on 17th of March.^^..Hmm, that day a, ok ok  lu..hahas..first of all, i got up at around 3am..then 5am..then dunno what time le, i'm not so sure right now..lols! I think i'm nervous cause i asked my friend(a girl) out and intended to give a surprise to my classmate who are coming along! Perhaps yes and perhaps not. Hahas..Don't know why i could not sleep well that day, maybe something is bothering me(/gg) ? Hohoho, maybe la, tat day only i invited a girl join the outing..whole group is guy.. -.-ll..lols..thats why something special occurs there, common as always. Since i'm the one who invited her to come, everyone got misunderstood over something.. LoLs, i think i no need to state until so obvious gua (pandai pandai sendiri fikirla..xD)..Well the girl, y.r, only knew me, HH ,SW,ck(don't really chat with. previously before outing),wilson(don't really chat with. previously before outing) & HM. and the rest, she don't know. LoL! Well, at first she's a little scared cause only knew few of us, which may lead to a little awkward into the whole group. But the result doesn't seems like that, we get along to each other, introduced to those she don't know, lols! n bla bla bla..xD..

         Hmm.. i reached genting klang at 10.45 +A.M...waiting by the promised place to meet with y.r so i could bring her to the place we needed to gather, it's monorail. lols.. While waiting, whoa~! many things come into my mind...Hmm..let see, if she dressed like this girl, omg,,the whole group will freaked cause maybe x pernah bersama with that kind of girl? xD. janji many^5 of " IF "  la/..xD..until lazy to " IF " le, then read novel sia read sia..looked at my watch, man... still have few  more minutes.. XDD. LOLS! Bo bien lo..some ppl say man shouldn't be late on anything..LOLx. Then read and read and felt a little sleepy..hahas..then done! 1 chapter to go! XD..then looked at the watch back, hohoho,,, it's nearly time../gg..she should be here by minutes..hahas..then nvm read & read..until i saw her from far...then i keep my book and started to crap with her.. XDD.. Man! Why so early?? I said must not too early nor too late! Must be sharp 11.30! hahas!! za dao..XD..then i lead her to monorail...hmm..the earliest person who came and the most late person who got into pavillion..LOL! Missed 3 monorails ! yeng...1 is to wait a fren..2nd door doesn't open and the 3rd one too many people and to door closed before me and y.r got in..aiya ya! Need to wait this time i won't give a slightest chance to miss le..lols start to stand by the fence..XD..then we got in and out to the destination place..we walked with HH and he looks..stunned and trying to do giving some special hidden words & bla & bla & bla..>.

    Now we reached the Pavilion.  And met the rest of the gang...after they bought tickets, we went for lunch and the groups is separated by half! one team goes to sushi place to eat and another went to try the snowflake introduced by HM..LOLs..well that snowflake is doubt that...haha..and still, i still enjoying eating slowly until the last moment where we need to get into cinema le..LOL! Man! need to speed up and the results is? my face are frozen and my head are a little pain cause by the ice..hahas..then we go...ah before that, it's quite disappointing because that day we could not watch the "alice in the wonderland" cause it's full...left 1 seat ..-.-l..then bo up in the sky...not really interesting but a little bit of comedy ...after movie the group decided to go back genting klang to have pool! Not swimming pool but the snooker de pool! XD . The 1st time i take a van de taxi..XD..feels like a royal people..LOL! Taxi nia..think so far for wat! =P. then we reached the WCG and we went upstairs to have an 1 hour game.. Well, everyone enjoys the game but the pros and the noobs is separated so it's more fair for everyone..^^ .. I'm a noob obviously..hahas..after game we eat again..lols..the naan cheese is good..1st time eat that,,,not bad recommendations HM! XD..after eat, try to call a saver who could fetch me home..OMG! My phone is going to no battery..zzz..lucky still can ask for help(someone to fetch me)..then i promised my sis to be at there around 7.30p.m..but..hehehe..i broke it cause i need to get my prezzie from Y.R!'s going to be a rotten prezzie if i don't claim it earlier, which she's the one who reminded me..hahas..and i late and my sis nearly go off without  me.. PHEW~!! Nasib baik ni! I'm so lucky! hahas..then kena shoot a little while and we set off..the car gt some prob..and we stop at my bro's company and seeks for his help..lols..i just a bystander then..xD..after that we got back home by my bro's car drove by my sis..hahas.. And,, THE END! Lols.. Well, nearly forgotten, thanks for the prezzie! I really appreciate it! hehe.. Oyasumi nasai~! it's not early 2am..T_T..gonna wake up late again! sigh..xD.. or not to do? act or not to act? wait or not to wait? so much questions popping out..hahas..lucky i still can hold my lust(for confessing) for a while..hopefully i could hold on my promise...haha..after spm~! XD .. May the flower not to wilt so fast as i waters you daily and hopefully it'll become a tree which produces fruits. ^^..  buaiis! See ya again! =P