Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A little bit lifeless..^^

03/june/2010 12.44am..

Aloha guys~! Hehe, i'm back again..but nothing special la..just needed to express my feelings? LOL.. If you knew me then just read and forget them, not worth to remember it, even those who did not knew me. hehe..Well, last month night, on the great night(it's called IU night) near ending of the IU night, i broke up with my gf .... Aiyoyoyo~! So noob de lu. Lols.. ya lo..i could not lock her heart huh? XD .. Well i guess yeap...Hmm...On the night, as i viewed surrounding me, everyone is very happily shouting to the models(On that time is fashion show)...While as i'm opening the message and read, I'm stunned for a while, and when i wanted to reply, was halfway typing, a friend saw me keep on texting and he messaged me to ignore the 'texting' awhile and enjoy the show just for a moment..Then so be it..I was 'watching' the fashion show, with some 'cheerfully' face...shouting for no reason, maybe that time is very very noisy until i had the opportunity to shout as hard as i could..maybe to release my tension ? LoL! aiyo,in the msg she told me she think(not confirmed) she liked other guy, and might leave me soon..just might...Thats the time when i'm really stunned, don't know what to do... Man? Is this my own delusion? Is she just kidding me? Then i tried to look away( i observe the surrounding) and look back to my message again..Man! This ain't going away ! This has to be true! Omg!! sigh ~ The long awaited be hurt again....My mood gone down tremendously while my physical body do the opposite... Well, then i reply her message to declare a break end between us...Now you guys sure thought i'm a playboy...declare break-up like drinking a cup of, I wanted to tell her this "I let you go because i love you, i don't want my beloved to be unhappy while being with me and i really wish you happiness with your new guy" (i hope he treats you better than me).. but i think that was unnecessary even though that's what i really meant i'm on my friend's car , journey to home, my eyes filled with tears...Not crying though, but full of tears...Then just in case my buddy beside me asking me why i'm crying, i'll just say i'm super sleepy ady no one asked me, but i knew one guy knew what's i'm really he's not asking anything, so i presume he did not know..haha..The time passed so fast.. already a month we broke-up..Hmm..Still got something i wanna say la..urmm..I've been with her for a month only...Don't you surprised? hehe..Now u guys sure blaming her that she's a kind of playboy..1 month only leh?? Very little ppl that will be together(couple) for such a short time! aiyoyoyo,, pity you la lawrence..being cheated in such a way..Lol..please don't think of that further more..That is because I'm unsuitable for her..i guess? Ask yourself, what you will do when ur GF suddenly said she attracted to a guy? Will you find that guy & beat the shit out of him? Will you keep competing to win her love? Or will you encourage her to pursue that guy? Which will you choose? (well there's definitely got a ton of answers)..What i chosen, i encourage her start to pursue that guy..There is no point to keep begging for a place when there's no space for you anymore..which means, i've been moved out from her heart...or starting that night..

I wonder when i'll find another girl i like? Which she will like me back and look no other guy except me. Hmm..keep games are for satisfaction not happiness(for me), sports game are just for fun, i want other than a family's love, friendship are to support each other, which also could not really give me the real happiness.. What i'm looking for? Where i should start at? Here? There?  aiya...nvm la..i should cherish the past experience and keep looking forward....That's what i'm always do..Well, to my GF...Thank you for teaching me so many things, in the mysterious world, you taught me basic things to keep me alive..Yet, Good luck with your new target!  And i would like to thank my friend who gave me advice, You helped me alot, even it's bitter experience, i will not be a choosy picker and will take whatever it comes!

Therefore, the bird whom just stayed on a tree's trunk for a moment accidentally dropped down when it saw a snake coming towards it. How unfortunate for it huh...And the flower i waters it everyday now seems it had wilted..Sorry for not able to identify what fertilizers i should put in..

1.24am..LOL,,so late...Bye bye~! May god bless everyone