Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chinese New Year~!

30/1/10 at 12.15am..o.o..
Hohoho~! exam over ady ! Yay! haha..i'm sure most of the people happy celebrating their exam is over but not Chinese new year..xD..of course..some will celebrate both..xD..anything'm sleepy..T_T..all the to do? holiday coming nearer and nearer again..SPM is the also the same..nearer..and everyone is going to separate their lives after form 5..either continue study at college or university or work or even marry..LOL..xDD..charm lo if like that...could hardly organize an event and enjoy together again...since everyone will have their busier life after that..T_T..our daily expenses keep rising as we grow..our maturity keep growing as we gets older..LOL..then i'll become an uncle in no time..o.o..haha,..then we will watch over our kids and our grandson grow just like what our parents did's life cycle..T_T..aaaa...still wondering wan to get a girlfriend first before SPM examinations or pros and cons.. T_T.. still hard to decide..nvm..leave it be! haha..when it's time, it'll come to you sad grandma went to hospital for treatment..her condition are no good before the doctor's "operation"..when after le..she's better now...but 1 thing i hate the the nurse is in charge on my grandma's body checkup(something like checking her's temperature and blood pressure whether the condition is good or no good..)..the nurse a..sigh..when my grandma's blood is clotted at the tube that transfer glucose i think..she tried to fix it..but lack of any proper preparations such as tissue..when the nurse(A) pulled the needle(i think) from her right hand which is used to transfer some sort of liquid, it's plain(maybe glucose lu), to her body and then she started to ask for tissues whereas the blood from my grandma's hand is flowing first few seconds the blood not yet come out, so the nurse used to tissue to take the blood that clotted in the tube..and while she doing it, the blood from my grandma starts to first few seconds she seems don't care and when my aunties and uncles said something, she only faster go put the tissue on the bleeding hand//man wth..and thats the FIRST time i feel i wanted to vomit when i see the nurse taking out the clotted blood and the blood from my grandma's hand..i used to enjoy the flow of blood when someone's blood did flow bt that day..too i played 2 rounds of badminton at the morning(9am-10.30am)..that time my right arm is paining, so i couldn't play well..then the 2nd (6pm-8pm) my arm are a little better..then i enjoyed more at the 2nd round rather then 1st was too many people attended..around 11-13..and most of the court are i only managed to book 1 court for 1 and a half hour...too many people = less chance to play since today chong hwa's badminton club having a kind of meeting and's crowded....T_T..2nd round got it's a little exciting..xD..Then i guess that's all for now..nothing really essential to write here../gg..I wish those who're sick will get well soon and those who're still in exam all the best! and the rest..good luck! XD

Quotes : An apple a day keeps doctor away from your sight. XD / What goes around comes around..xD

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oopsie~! something bad happened..i shouted at my friend & scolded him to shut up..oopsie! Why?How?'s when i'm in the half-conscious state, with unbalanced emotion with anger the most..when i'm half-conscious,the true me i neh~!~! I reacted way tooo fast and couldn't stop myself from doing that..i felt guilty now..even though he doesn't mind(since maybe he "mess" with me first when i'm in a bad state) but i still felt that guilt i just carried right now..hohoho..charm lo..hard to be a good man liao..once it's broken, it's can't be "perfect" anymore..the original shape, has gone forever.. =(...

Quotes : have one more ally is better than have one more enemy

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mystery resolved!

Hohoho..The previous post's mystery has resolved. /gg..that D.J something said he found it at genting klang area..sigh..ask earlier said guard only say he found it at there...what the *toot*.. LOL..Day by day life getting tougher. all for now..bye-bye! XD

Quotes: {  }

Weird thing does happen in this world..o.o

Aloha everyone! I'm blogging again! LOL! Hmm..I have something to share with you guys..It's quite weird for me in the first place..hehe..Well, yesterday(5.1.2010) i lost my name tag,my Self Access Centre's tag (i'm a S.A.C prefect)..o.o..well thats not weird enough..but, i confirm that i still have it when 5pm+(i got look at my watch) when i'm having tuition there since one of my friend said it's a sac prefect, the sac ppl de meaning...xD..then not yet weird enough..when i done tuition'ing, i went to genting klang area to search for 200 pages book..that time i already didn't really remember that i got looked once or twice on my tag, and forgotten..something like forgotten it's existence,.that time i think not yet lost..after i bought some 200pages book, i went out from the store and walk for some time and i suddenly went to check whether my name tag is still there or not..this time the tag is not at the place that used to be already..nvm luu..i went back the store that i bought the book and searched for it and found nothing..then haix..that time i started to think..sigh..tomorrow(which is today) going to get some beautiful words from my president president saw me and i saw her back and waved..o.o, but she not really checking whether my attire as the S.A.C prefect is complete or not, and just pass by..LOL! Phew!!! Lucky! Muahahaha..LOL..that time is after i borrowed my book frm SPBT room and was heading to my class..hmm..then when recess time..normal i went to the S.A.C room where we'll do our duties there..and the S.A.C secretary said  that the D.J dunno a pangkat lai de also frm S.A.C..she said that the guy found my name i started to weird..why and how he has it? O.o..then i go find him and got back my tag, with asking how he got that,..and he answered that the guard school gave's the weird part lo..the tag WAS with me when i'm having my tuition which is also 5pm++ yesterday..but,when i lost it without knowing the reason how i lost it, it's kind of the tag have a leg and walked back to school nearby so the guard found it and pass to that D.J's weird!! but nvm..i didn't give much thought of it..just stay positive and thought that somebody knew that tag is mine(and maybe he/she know who am i's just maybe) and that somebody know the school currently i at and gave it to the kind of that somebody..xD..hehe thx thx ya that somebody..took all the troubles just to give back the name tag to the rightful do remember guys, do good thing will have the same thing reflected back to you and the other way round..just it's matter of time and whether you realized it or not only..(LOL..i don't help ppl de..i bully nia!!! Muahaha..LOL..jkjk)..thats all for today! Thanks for reading patiently! LOL..see ya next time..

Quotes : "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're

still a rat." -- Lily Tomlin