Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quite Tired ~ @.@

Aloha~!Today i went to KLCC with my classmates/schoolmates to watch 'Avatar' ! Hehe..That show was good (i should say that) because i think i had received their indirect 'message' which was "please protect the nature while you can but not to destroy it"(i interpret by myself de la might be wrong but this is what i think!!XDD).^.^.Hmm, before that, i came a little early to KLCC to do some item hunting(i think is around 11.50 a.m.) and while looking around the hall i guess(where you can meet in the middle of the KLCC perhaps?xD..psps not so sure..will show ya later in the picture below,it's around there) there was alot of decorations around there but i think it was nice,but not creative enough(LOL who are u wor?artist a?why i don't even heard your name in any magazines/newspaper/tv de?talk bout creativity pulak!XD) then it's ok, i just walk around there looking around something might catch my eye,suddenly..a BALLOON popped in front of me! whaaa! luckily i evaded and not making it burst if not i guess i need to pay for it(once broken considered sold!LOL)..xD haha..and the part timer who made that balloon popped in front of me apologized(as usual in the aspect of manner) and then nvm lor, then i decided to help her to pick the balloon which is around me and hand it to her and then she said,"thank you,it's so kind" then i had a thought "WTF??I'm kind?i'm evil u knw a?xD"..haha i guess that's the first time people said that to me and i got shocked and at the same time blurred and said "it's ok and no problem" and faster walk out from there..phew~xD..then i wander the whole KlCC and too bad, can't  found what i wanted. T_T. Then too bad lor..XD. After that i started to walk aimlessly around the KLCC and suddenly...i Heard something interesting..A faint sound but quite interesting to me,so i rushed to the sound source at the 2nd floor if not mistaken and i found something more interesting! muahahahaha...guess what? It's Christmas carol !! A group of KLCC staff gathered and sing Christmas song! Wow! The song they sang was very nice,peaceful,fun and exciting too! haha..The thing i liked the most is their co-operation  within a group, and the people who guide the singers and the guitarist(the one who stand in front of them and her job just to swing her hand lol) is her good leadership. She enjoyed leading the Christmas Carol instead of worrying of making silly mistakes. I was so envy that she has those good qualities within her which i lack of(i'll gambateh de! When presentation or what,just say die jiu die lor,who cares that you made mistake?They just laugh your ass off..well,cause we learnt from our silly mistakes right?then just try not to repeat it again),o.O.. And please don't misunderstood orh, i don't have any special feelings towards her de a,i just admire her good qualities..xDD...I'm still single and currently available de(cheh,tell also no use la,no one wants you!muahahahaha..LOL)..haha..=P..I stayed at there until 1p.m. ++ which my friend already said yesterday that they will reach KLCC at 12.45p.m(haix..these late guys, nothing to 1p.m++ they reached and we went to "yam cha" at foodcourt and i ate again! muahahaha..a bowl thai curry and a cup of sugar cane..XD..Then we slack around till 2.20p.m and go watch "Avatar" !! lol.. 2 and a half hour..T_T my butt are paining!! Yay! when i done watching le then i was about to rush to another destination(of course i'll do the procedure that most people does. is to go toilet!!LOL..)!'s Wangsa Walk! xD..this time i with another guy,not with earlier group..hehe i was a little late that time(reached around 6.15+p.m)...psps ya.XD..then we go yam cha and eat again! it was my dinner ..don't worry..haha..of course, i went there is got motive to buy deodorant de i forgotten to do so(wad da hell..-.-ll) and also ask my fren about a add math question(logarithm) during "yam cha" session which he also don't know how to answer..arghh..too badd..and not to forget, i went there is also visit a friend(you might and not might know) see how torture is the work is..XDD...then i go for item hunting again,..and the result is the same..nothing could caught my attention even for 1 minute..LOL..then nvm lor and i and my friend head back.. luckily, i remembered something when on the way to LRT station..around there should have some shop that might sells those i wanted..then when i reached and i go take a look..Finally! muahahahahahaha...I found it! Finally!! muahahaha..LOL (i sot jor so ignore me..XD)..Thats all for today! Cheers!

(hehe..a little blurr..psps.^^)

Quotes ; He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.- Solon