Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aloha~ This is my first time on blogging (sigh,so late only starts blogging..Shame on you man! xD)! I bet my friends will ask; O.o..Can't believe you also start blogging le..i thought you won't do these kind of lame thingy(hmm..i think from now on i can start dig your secrets..muahahahahahahaha)! xD.. Nevermind, just forget that..haha..hmm.. What i should start first? Oh yeah, nearly forgotten.. Christmas is just around the corner! Hehe, some are happy and some are sad, just some can celebrate will stay happy in the meantime before the school starts and some will looks a little bored since no one is gonna invite him/her to celebrate Merry Christmas together..haix..And me? i guees i'm half half..happy and sad at the same time haha..What to do? Just after holiday I've been dragged by my parents to follow my brother to work for almost 2 months T_T( Well,I requested to have a holiday starting from yesterday..PHEW~~!Finally can slack!!XD.) A little time to rest myself to prepare for the upcoming school season is good enough..^^..Holiday is fun indeed if u already planned for it but if you haven't you're going to rot either in your house or exhausted after work+ crazily wanted to start school again..xD..That's life! Wanted to have something badly,but after gained those things such as holiday, we starts to  complain, complain and complain about the boredom. Yay, tomorrow going to watch Avatar with a bunch of my school friends at KLCC! well it's nothing special to brag on but i loved to do that(just in this blog i guess..=x) just because i wanted to!! Day by day, my urge to eat is more and yet people still says that i'm skinny..o.O..most probably i'm in the process of rapid growth! Yay biology! T_T..Haix..another day has was too quick..when in form 1..i used to sleep in class without studying(LOL!!!) and always fight with my classmates when they mess with me..and in form 2,same things happen..sleeeeeeep at class...xDDD..i still remember that i'll polish my table 1st until it's really smooth and clean before lay my head on..haha!then obviously , my grade is superbly poor..but something special on form 3..something that really shocking for me even my own form 3 class teacher..i entered the so called 1st class in form 3 and that time I was really trying to study!! Miracle!! but of course,my habit is still there since 2 years of practicing it..=P..I force myself to sleep less when teacher was teaching and starting to active in my co-curricular activity such as St.john  Ambulance club..It was like, wow! something really different..i stopped fighting starting in form 3 which i called I've retired from fighting..xDD..on form 3 i started to attend tuition again after quitting tuition for 2 years since form 1&2..Anyway,thats not important..well, i still remember one day that i walk with my class teacher alone at school(was actually helping her to carry things) she said .." i was sooo surprised that you changed very very much compared to form 1&2..u often sleep at class when and without teacher in the class, don't even give a damn about studies(i add de la since i barely remembered what she said,,haha), and now, you're in 1st class in form 4! i think you're the only one whom from the last class slowly climb to the better class compared to your form1&2 friends,without requesting to change to a better class" and she giggles when she comment on me..swtz(o.o)..Well, i still have many many things to cope up in my studies..well, even now, i still prefer to sleep when there's nothing to do at class...xD..To the friend that who keep motivating/encouraging/helping me through the bad situation,and also those who're really trying to teach me in some subjects that i not known too much(in fact he don't really know how to too bad,,T_T) and some who really taught me something,force me to study, i wanna say THANK YOU VERY X 10^999 MUCH  on helping me when i'm still in a spiky road! thank you for dragging me out of there and introduces me a better road! hehe.. Special thanks to my so called math teacher! and also those who willing to have a group study with me(which is actually also a teaching and learning lesson since i'm not really good on most of the subjects. -.-ll) =PP.. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! hehe..

Quotes: Little by little,bit by bit,it could be mountain. Nothing is impossible just that we haven't found a way out of the complicated puzzle that lies in front of our eyes which is actually acquire a simple solution that is needed to applied to it. Thats it.