Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Aloha !! First of all, Happy New Year and sad school year! XDD.. and also, getting older...T_T..can't enjoy kid's life need to worry about everything they did.. just play n sleep n eat n play n sleep and so as we got bigger, need be more independent le..and can't play as much as we want cuz study,study and some of cuz play all the day n not studying..but those who are ambitious will study^3..LOL..haix..i hope i can become like them, study^4 non-stop..T_T..SPM coming le..Worries getting bigger le..Fun getting lesser le as we put most of our time on study...stresses getting more n more until poured out frm the glass..and i got more sleepy each day in holiday mood..LOL..when not working home, sleep,play,homework,eat,sleep,play,homework n so on,,'s the same thing all over's boring when u don't have money(cause can't go out n have fun..XD) at home until u rot, and become a deadly zombiE! Haha.. or a nerd..O.o..many people think that schooling day are suck, but in fact they are good..more socializing and cut most distractions when studying(if u fall in love with computer,it does..LOL)..but only one thing that most student's exam! LOL..Charm week..tuition,tuition and tuition..whaa...gonna insane soon if i couldn't keep up..haha..Hopefully i will get a good result from SPM..i didn't expect much but i wan a better grade/results than my previous results cause it's an improvement is the main thing..i nvm..i hope i could bang this computer until spoil so i have no choice but to study..LOL..or even sleep all the day..xD..i couldn't study by's kind of boring..perhaps i don't knw how to interpret the thing in the content by myself.. haix.. such a poor guy..LOL..dunno wat to say le..haix..i don't want to trouble everyone keep wasting their time to help me on studies le..haix..just by seeing their efforts on helping me on studies made me felt guilty le..wasting their time and i somehow like got nothing much even they did really good on helping fact,i love to see people teach me's kind of relief. someone still there for me perhaps? lol..could anyone teach me how to hate computer so i can study? are addictive like drugs, killing ur time if u don't use it properly..needed to hate computer at least 70% so i can study and use that 30% remaining for helping me in studies..LOL..i don't think i could..just like , those who tried the drugs could hardly stop their urge for could, but it's very hard if you don't have the big will..  computer just like need to put it away from you until you couldn't reach it so you can start suffer and start making that addiction gone lesser and lesser..and starts to do what you should..something like awaken from deep's happy new year..i bet everyone's gonna gamble but i'm not going to do that..gamble is bad thing ever! lol..i guess..i'll follow my dad's role..even though he really likes to gamble,but he didn't go for it..i could see that every new year..he keeps rejecting the invitation of those gamblers(those aunties a,uncles a,,lol) to gamble..he did gamble, but not much like those nerds..gamble whole'll do better than him! Not to gamble at all cost! many people commit suicide or other thing(die) from gamble..i don't want that..i'll gamble,but in games only..LOL..unlimited money..hahaha! i wonder what i'll be when i'm after SPM..a nerd or a lamer? lol..i'll choose both if i could..XD..becoming a nerd is good since u'll really study and a lamer will do better in any casual anyone ready to war? have all necessary equipments? done some good strategies? or go for war without any guns?lol..i guess..i'm not really ready yet. it's an important war. couldn't afford to lose. haix..Good luck everyone! lol..

Quote : {} quote for this post..lame le..haha..if u learned form 4 mathematics u should know what's that above..XD

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stupiakk emotion ~ Always up and down just like taking lifts.. -.-ll

Haix, this friday is Christmas! But nothing special for me since i have no activities on that day..Sry Tan..i lazy to go ur house eh..psps!! ^^..I wonder what i can do nowadays..It's so leh..psps S.J. i didn't go for bowling today hehe cause i need to do something i not yet done MINUTE! again..haha..sometime feel happy and sometime feels like got isolated..haix,,sei emotion..Now i'm feeling like got isolated but i wonder later will happy back or not lol..since mine is hay wired. o.o..So just be grateful that yours is not like mine, hay wired..xD..haix..felt so lonely again..someone help me!! XDD..i hope i still feels the same when the help came..hahax..perhaps after 1 hours my emotion change to happy and after that sad then so playing track! next! XDD..hoho..nearly is dunno wat day but i called it as eat "tang yuen" daY! i'm eating, eating and eating..xD..eating non-stop..haha..Hoho, about eating..the last time i went to old town(forgot when le psps...) i still remember i ate a bowl of curry,a bowl of prawn mee and the nasi lemak rendang + strawberry float! LOL! and quite full after done eating..becuz of that strawberry my mood is better le..when talking bout food..SWTZ!! nvm forget about food..^^..well, don't you realized? last time we're still small playing little toys or dolls and now? it's either blogging or facebooking or  gaming or some more pro,stepped into love life bout me? i'm at 1st,2nd and 3rd category only..pity people desperately wanted to step in 4th category but they couldn't(either there's no one wants him/her or they are scared to go after it) some(maybe) don't want step in actually,but accidentally stepped in..and they could feel the happiest moment in the beginning and also till the end(i hope so)..but if they couldn't manage it well, it could be deadly..either the female side don't actually serious on love they're having it now or the other way round..haix haix haix..start with a smile,grow with kiss and end with tear(read this somewhere in the might be not exactly since i forgotten a little)..Thats love life! Think twice before you enter this deadly war zone! lol..either you alive(still together) or got slaughtered..thats all..obviously, there's sure a wound even u're grateful since u have some wound nia..XD..lalalalala...dunno wat to say in tat aspect..XD..So whenever you're in a bad mood or not, hear music if you could, cause music can be our counselor sometimes(this is what i thought)..close your eye and hear the music played..relax yourself and may calm u down a little but it might not work also,,^^ depends on people and the what kind of music is going to be's getting late..i not yet done my things! and yet i still eating the "tang yuen"..LOL..well, if you want laugh, go watch "Jeff Dunham" in youtube perhaps. but,your hearing skills(in english) and ur vocab must be good to truly understand what's he saying..just in case there's no subtitle for all! muahahhaa...See ya next time! 

Quotes : What done is done. You never try you never know. LOL! XD

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quite Tired ~ @.@

Aloha~!Today i went to KLCC with my classmates/schoolmates to watch 'Avatar' ! Hehe..That show was good (i should say that) because i think i had received their indirect 'message' which was "please protect the nature while you can but not to destroy it"(i interpret by myself de la might be wrong but this is what i think!!XDD).^.^.Hmm, before that, i came a little early to KLCC to do some item hunting(i think is around 11.50 a.m.) and while looking around the hall i guess(where you can meet in the middle of the KLCC perhaps?xD..psps not so sure..will show ya later in the picture below,it's around there) there was alot of decorations around there but i think it was nice,but not creative enough(LOL who are u wor?artist a?why i don't even heard your name in any magazines/newspaper/tv de?talk bout creativity pulak!XD) then it's ok, i just walk around there looking around something might catch my eye,suddenly..a BALLOON popped in front of me! whaaa! luckily i evaded and not making it burst if not i guess i need to pay for it(once broken considered sold!LOL)..xD haha..and the part timer who made that balloon popped in front of me apologized(as usual in the aspect of manner) and then nvm lor, then i decided to help her to pick the balloon which is around me and hand it to her and then she said,"thank you,it's so kind" then i had a thought "WTF??I'm kind?i'm evil u knw a?xD"..haha i guess that's the first time people said that to me and i got shocked and at the same time blurred and said "it's ok and no problem" and faster walk out from there..phew~xD..then i wander the whole KlCC and too bad, can't  found what i wanted. T_T. Then too bad lor..XD. After that i started to walk aimlessly around the KLCC and suddenly...i Heard something interesting..A faint sound but quite interesting to me,so i rushed to the sound source at the 2nd floor if not mistaken and i found something more interesting! muahahahaha...guess what? It's Christmas carol !! A group of KLCC staff gathered and sing Christmas song! Wow! The song they sang was very nice,peaceful,fun and exciting too! haha..The thing i liked the most is their co-operation  within a group, and the people who guide the singers and the guitarist(the one who stand in front of them and her job just to swing her hand lol) is her good leadership. She enjoyed leading the Christmas Carol instead of worrying of making silly mistakes. I was so envy that she has those good qualities within her which i lack of(i'll gambateh de! When presentation or what,just say die jiu die lor,who cares that you made mistake?They just laugh your ass off..well,cause we learnt from our silly mistakes right?then just try not to repeat it again),o.O.. And please don't misunderstood orh, i don't have any special feelings towards her de a,i just admire her good qualities..xDD...I'm still single and currently available de(cheh,tell also no use la,no one wants you!muahahahaha..LOL)..haha..=P..I stayed at there until 1p.m. ++ which my friend already said yesterday that they will reach KLCC at 12.45p.m(haix..these late guys, nothing to 1p.m++ they reached and we went to "yam cha" at foodcourt and i ate again! muahahaha..a bowl thai curry and a cup of sugar cane..XD..Then we slack around till 2.20p.m and go watch "Avatar" !! lol.. 2 and a half hour..T_T my butt are paining!! Yay! when i done watching le then i was about to rush to another destination(of course i'll do the procedure that most people does. is to go toilet!!LOL..)!'s Wangsa Walk! xD..this time i with another guy,not with earlier group..hehe i was a little late that time(reached around 6.15+p.m)...psps ya.XD..then we go yam cha and eat again! it was my dinner ..don't worry..haha..of course, i went there is got motive to buy deodorant de i forgotten to do so(wad da hell..-.-ll) and also ask my fren about a add math question(logarithm) during "yam cha" session which he also don't know how to answer..arghh..too badd..and not to forget, i went there is also visit a friend(you might and not might know) see how torture is the work is..XDD...then i go for item hunting again,..and the result is the same..nothing could caught my attention even for 1 minute..LOL..then nvm lor and i and my friend head back.. luckily, i remembered something when on the way to LRT station..around there should have some shop that might sells those i wanted..then when i reached and i go take a look..Finally! muahahahahahaha...I found it! Finally!! muahahaha..LOL (i sot jor so ignore me..XD)..Thats all for today! Cheers!

(hehe..a little blurr..psps.^^)

Quotes ; He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.- Solon

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aloha~ This is my first time on blogging (sigh,so late only starts blogging..Shame on you man! xD)! I bet my friends will ask; O.o..Can't believe you also start blogging le..i thought you won't do these kind of lame thingy(hmm..i think from now on i can start dig your secrets..muahahahahahahaha)! xD.. Nevermind, just forget that..haha..hmm.. What i should start first? Oh yeah, nearly forgotten.. Christmas is just around the corner! Hehe, some are happy and some are sad, just some can celebrate will stay happy in the meantime before the school starts and some will looks a little bored since no one is gonna invite him/her to celebrate Merry Christmas together..haix..And me? i guees i'm half half..happy and sad at the same time haha..What to do? Just after holiday I've been dragged by my parents to follow my brother to work for almost 2 months T_T( Well,I requested to have a holiday starting from yesterday..PHEW~~!Finally can slack!!XD.) A little time to rest myself to prepare for the upcoming school season is good enough..^^..Holiday is fun indeed if u already planned for it but if you haven't you're going to rot either in your house or exhausted after work+ crazily wanted to start school again..xD..That's life! Wanted to have something badly,but after gained those things such as holiday, we starts to  complain, complain and complain about the boredom. Yay, tomorrow going to watch Avatar with a bunch of my school friends at KLCC! well it's nothing special to brag on but i loved to do that(just in this blog i guess..=x) just because i wanted to!! Day by day, my urge to eat is more and yet people still says that i'm skinny..o.O..most probably i'm in the process of rapid growth! Yay biology! T_T..Haix..another day has was too quick..when in form 1..i used to sleep in class without studying(LOL!!!) and always fight with my classmates when they mess with me..and in form 2,same things happen..sleeeeeeep at class...xDDD..i still remember that i'll polish my table 1st until it's really smooth and clean before lay my head on..haha!then obviously , my grade is superbly poor..but something special on form 3..something that really shocking for me even my own form 3 class teacher..i entered the so called 1st class in form 3 and that time I was really trying to study!! Miracle!! but of course,my habit is still there since 2 years of practicing it..=P..I force myself to sleep less when teacher was teaching and starting to active in my co-curricular activity such as St.john  Ambulance club..It was like, wow! something really different..i stopped fighting starting in form 3 which i called I've retired from fighting..xDD..on form 3 i started to attend tuition again after quitting tuition for 2 years since form 1&2..Anyway,thats not important..well, i still remember one day that i walk with my class teacher alone at school(was actually helping her to carry things) she said .." i was sooo surprised that you changed very very much compared to form 1&2..u often sleep at class when and without teacher in the class, don't even give a damn about studies(i add de la since i barely remembered what she said,,haha), and now, you're in 1st class in form 4! i think you're the only one whom from the last class slowly climb to the better class compared to your form1&2 friends,without requesting to change to a better class" and she giggles when she comment on me..swtz(o.o)..Well, i still have many many things to cope up in my studies..well, even now, i still prefer to sleep when there's nothing to do at class...xD..To the friend that who keep motivating/encouraging/helping me through the bad situation,and also those who're really trying to teach me in some subjects that i not known too much(in fact he don't really know how to too bad,,T_T) and some who really taught me something,force me to study, i wanna say THANK YOU VERY X 10^999 MUCH  on helping me when i'm still in a spiky road! thank you for dragging me out of there and introduces me a better road! hehe.. Special thanks to my so called math teacher! and also those who willing to have a group study with me(which is actually also a teaching and learning lesson since i'm not really good on most of the subjects. -.-ll) =PP.. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! hehe..

Quotes: Little by little,bit by bit,it could be mountain. Nothing is impossible just that we haven't found a way out of the complicated puzzle that lies in front of our eyes which is actually acquire a simple solution that is needed to applied to it. Thats it.