Saturday, March 26, 2011

~SPM result~

27 / 3 / 2010. 11.54AM.

         Wow, on the SPM examination days, I didn't got what I wanted.. Well, it's real disappointing furthermore I heard this sopo got straight A's..zz..Well I'm happy for her, but i'm gek sam in myself..Yea, I didn't get my results.. What I got is 2A 1A- 2B+ 2B 1C+ 1C... Hey, my results just almost the same with you..and mine is bit worser than you.. You think I don't have pressure on it? my family..My study..In the ns time I already have a VERY long thoughts of wanna continue study or not...EVEN before the results came out..I just ignored the results for a while..and i think,..Should or shouldn't i to continue to further study? Cause my parents keep encouraging me to straight go for my family business.. and i'm already laid a pressure by them on my shoulder.. it's okay, cause i'm the one to decide my future..They just kind of 'disturber', sorry no offence. something like a disturber sent by god itself.. and in the ns period, i've decided to straight work, regardless of what my results would be... Yeah, this decision is tough cause i'll need to face the real adult world, full of corruption and other things.. well, you can say that i don't values the results i've got, but in fact i really do gek sam..Why my trial exam i got 5A's and in real SPM examination I got worser? shouldn't it be better than trial results? cause trial exam are harder than SPM exam..Why?

            To ni. I know you know whom I subjected to. I really frustrated when i read your blog saying those comments in your fb is all nonsense... Hey, if really nonsense, why would i waste my time and cracking my brain? at the time after i read your notes in fb, to be frank i have a sincere feeling to 'tam' you, regardless it's NONSENSE for you..I didn't even thought of that you'll say that my comments are all nonsense..Yeah i admit i terasa,.. Cause i'm the only one who wrote the longest comment in your note..I REALLY Frustrated when you treat me AS NOT A FRIEND but a kind of STUPID people wanders on your profile and leaving stupid idiots comments.... did you ever feel what i felt? did you ever think there is people who got worser than you in SPM results whom wish to strives higher? Did you think i didn't put all my hard works for my SPM? If i didn't, what for I went for tuition wasting my money and time, went for many many group studies wasting my time and also money, what for i go to school to learn something? I know that you're really sad and couldn't think a better way..But do you know that my bro and sis only got an A and 2 A for SPM respectively? And now do you know how much they achieved? They didn't give up as you do..Cause they take this as a CHALLENGE for them. What about you? Yeah, getting straight A's or 7A above have many benefits... In a sense that family will happy for you, able to get scholarships or even sponsorship, easier to get in college and what's more? I'm frustrated.

           And now i've decide to take business course, finance and investment which is a last minute change of plan..And ni, i really hates that when you didn't value our friendship..Maybe i'm the one whom doesn't value yours first, and here i'm sorry. You'll sure won't accept my apology, but as friend of yours, i'm sorry on what i've done to you that you thought it's bad for you... And yeah, being pessimistic all the time would poison your body ni.. Can't everyone stay focus on what's good in themselves? why must us compare to each other like it's a must to do? (*)Why must we matters so much as other people's saying and thoughts? yea i still could not let go the point ;(*)...but i'm trying my best to become a better one..for my family, and myself... Well , calm down.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

PLKN Ends yesterday.

7.34 AM. 
          huhu, finally no more ns le~ for me la since it's over..^^..Well in ns, on the first month and few weeks, everything's just class class &'s okay, just always need to line up like kindergarten kids under the hot line by one line went into the there i learned about character building, about our country and many more GUA, since i don't remember haha...since it's over le, i shouldn't be remembering every lesson lol.. bleh~ and yea, I'm already used to the life in there after a week..Geng leh! XD..But one thing i hate and wonder the most is why my camp, 1st batch, is full of 'smart' guys? especially the malay guys, keep causing trouble..maybe too nakal le ha,..till when went overboard = many innocent guys & sometime girls got punished for no reason..altogether.. zz... at there of course i played with the gun m16, but it's kind of normal la, the feeling of shooting... just have a little bit of back thrust more special than that..maybe the stink smell of the heated gunpowder and the loud sound produced from the gun..^^..

        The foods given there are in small portion..I understand that they need to allocate the food they cook just enough for 300+ trainess..but everyday in the end, there will be quite a number of foods left basically logical if you wan more 'lauk', take a time to bath first, and go out that time not much people will be taking foods and you'll be considered as the last few trainess gonna take foods from them, of course they will give more than you imagined cause you'll see how much food left... The bad side is, even though they kind of work for years, but they still unable to estimate the number of foods gonna be given to the trainees each..sienz..haha.. And yea,  you'll have to sleep with 20+ peoples under a roof... so if you better not to have some bad problems with the guy stays with you cause they won't change your place anymore once it's wednesday will come the buddha teacher teaching us..hmm, i can say i concentrated all the time de ok? XD...just that about 98% of the population in the class doesn't give a damn about it..pity them,,they just wasted a golden chance to get even more information,,lol..

     Then arh, in my camp you'll have many many role call in a day..cause they might be scared that someone will gone missing..haha..and yea, luckily my camp didn't have marching every afternoon. phew~ XD plus my camp always late give out phone de lo every saturday..T_T..sien lar like that,,cannot sms longer neh~  but now no worries, i'm free! Speaking of free, for me there is not much freedom for me..XD..maybe i just doesn't really like the course though..and yea, you have the right to not to do certain physical activity in my camp there...maybe thats just good..xD..but i did all the activity in there without backing up..bleh! xD i'm brave what..wakakaka self-conscious pulak..haha..

     And yea, psps neh for yesterday cause it is a rush outing lol...made you very tired neh i knew, but i glad to see you healthy as always! ^^..and sorry neh for today, couldn't go out with you..there is pros and cons about this..i thought of it quite a time ba..^^..good thing is you able to rest more for the day since you got workings and all that from previous day, so it's sometime good for you to relax awhile in a day.. plus yesterday after having driving lesson straightaway need to go out's kind of stress for you neh in my opinion..hehe...bad thing is i couldn't meet ya today lu~ T_T, caused of my carelessness in planning my schedules, i ruined it..=.=ll..well, i'm still very happy to meet you yesterday, the first day i'm back from my course..^^